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Using CBD Gummies For Joint Pain

CBD oil has been touted as a treatment for almost every ailment including joint pain.  If you suffer from this type of pain, you need to know if CBD oil can help.  You should also consider if CBD gummies are the best delivery methods for your needs.  

What Is CBD? 
Before you can look at the effectiveness of CBD for joint pain, you need to know what this is.  CBD is a cannabinoid found in marijuana and hemp plants.  This compound is a cannabidiol which means that it does not have any psychoactive effects.  These effects come from a different compound known as THC.  
Over the years, more and more research has been done on the effects of both these compounds on the human body.  These studies have found that CBD is beneficial for a number of ailments including joint pain.  However, some experts feel that more long-term research is required.  

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CBD And Joint Pain 
When it comes to joint pain, will CBD oil help?  Preliminary research does show that this is possible, but more studies are needed.  Many of the studies have been done using animals.  These studies have found that CBD is able to relieve inflammation ad pain in the joints caused by certain ailments such as arthritis.   
The problem with these studies is that the benefits in animal trials do not always equate to benefits in human trials.  This can be see through the mixed results of the human trials that have been done.  In 2016, there was an analysis of human trails which found that CBD did improve both sleep and pain for people with OA RA and fibromyalgia.  The problem is that these studies were small in terms of participants.  
This does not mean that you should write CBD oil off.  Many doctors are recommending CBD oil to their patients if they suffer from chronic joint pain.  More recent studies have found that CBD taken along can be effective in treating the pain of knee OA.  If you are considering CBD oil, you will need to talk to a doctor before you start taking it.  

Why Choose Gummies? 
If you are going to take CBD oil for joint pain, you need to choose the right product.  There are 4 different formulations that you can try with edibles being one of them.  Edibles, like gummies, are infused with CBD oil and make taking the oil much easier.  However, you do need to be careful and get the right gummies.  
Edibles will take between 30 minutes and 2 hours to start working.  This is due to the fact that your body needs to digest the edible and transport the CBD to your bloodstream.  If you are looking for faster-acting products, topicals will be the better solution.  Creams and other topicals will only take 10 minutes to start working.  
Choosing The Right Gummies 
You need to do some research when looking at gummies or any other edible.  Research has found that the dosage of CBD in any CBD product will vary greatly.  This means that gummies from one provider could have 2 mg of CBD while gummies from a different provider have 22 mg.  There are a lot of these products that do not have any information about the dosage.  
The dosage that you need is something that you need to talk to your doctor about and find through trial and error.  Most doctors who recommend CBD will advise that you start with a very small dose.  You can then work up to find the dosage that works for your needs.  
CBD could help with joint pain, but it will not be the right choice for everyone.  Choosing CBD gummies can make the treatment more enjoyable.  However, you need to be careful regarding the dosage and the overall quality of the gummies.

Using CBD Gummies For Joint Pain

CBD oil has been touted as a treatment for almost every ailment including joint pain.  If you suffer from this type of pain, you need...